
At the beginning of the show everyone there is looking at the curtain, waiting with anticipation. The overture kicks in with a brief summary of the main themes, so later even though you’re hearing them for the first time you’ll already be experiencing a mild, pleasant deja vu. Instead of sprinkling musical bits into it I wrote a summary of the lyrics for three of the songs into three verses. That idea didn’t survive more than a couple of lines’ worth into the final revision but it did provide an entry point for a lyric about part time musicians playing gigs on the weekend and struggling to get by with everything else. Along with a couple of clues about the making of this album

Intro overture

Get your tickets on the door

Worth repeating

Sounds that are intriguing

Are you with it

Songs that last a minute

Sounds like thunder

Think you’re going under

Punk rock action

Playing out in fractions

Man don’t sing though

Why he got me in so

Here’s the deal yeah

Listen to the end then

Flip and play again yeah

Play it to your friends yeah

Always waking up inside the dream

Always waking up inside the dream

We’re all strangers

Vocalists arrangers

Good girls bad guys

Living out our best lives 

Big dreams big hooks

Streaming live on Facebook

Stories of the old days

Take me where the solo plays

Milestone deadlines

Got me on the breadline

High praise old gods

Then I quit my day job

Food bank finance

Can you beat the romance

Break into the big time

Give yourself a hard time

While the curtains raising

Overture is playing

Speaking of forthcoming

Scenes that sound amazing

Screaming In the ballroom

Break up in the back row

Hanging round the stage door

Stay out for the late show

Always waking up inside the dream

Always waking up inside the dream

Plan B lifestyle

Did you go the extra mile 

Rock stars lock scars

Nothing that you can’t discard

Young freaks old queens

Lit up by their iPhone screens

Wishing you were onstage

Make it up is all the rage

Big breaks small change

Did you get that loan arranged

Busk beg play blues

Did you ever make the news

Buy now pay later

Flipping burgers mining data

Overshadowed by the strobe

One day you will fly the globe

Always waking up in the Big Gold Dream

Always waking up inside Big Gold Dream

Always waking in the New Cold Dream

Always waking in the Same Old Dream